Tornado Relief

A huge THANK YOU for helping us serve our neighbors by helping with storm clean-up through
the wonderful ministry of Operation Blessing!

Even though they have now moved on to assist with disasters in other parts of the country, we want to continue to be a support to our community. We are still making plans for practical ways to serve, so let us know if you have not yet signed up as a volunteer and would like to join ongoing organized efforts.


Who can help

Volunteers of all capabilities are welcomed, as there are various tasks to be done. No skills or strength levels are required. Ages 18+ (or 16-17 with a parent).

what to wear

Volunteers should wear long pants, and sturdy shoes/boots (hard soles/rubber boots if possible). Gloves are helpful too!

Need Assistance?

request Help

Although Operation Blessing has moved on to assist other parts of the country, we are still making plans for practical ways to serve, so let us know if you would like assistance with tornado recovery.